Viewing entries in
"Kimberly Wilson"


Jivamukti Gathering in NYC!

With a last minute change of plans we went down to NYC for the Blueprint for Joy Jivamukti Gathering and Levi's first road trip. With a week of asana classes, meditation sessions and lectures on animal rights, peace and unity, the place was buzzing! Although I wasn't able to attend all the classes, I did get to take class with David Life and Sharon Gannon. It brought me back to teacher training with so many familiar faces and the amazing energy of so many people gathered together practicing yoga and focusing on the goal of peace.
Asana lab with David Life
with Luna teachers Frances & Dawn B in NYC

my boys
Frances, one of several hundred in headstand!
Shopping for Levi's with Levi
Tofu scramble at Kate's Joint
Tea with yogini Kimberly and beau Tim
Vegan treats at Babycakes


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First blog post...

My first blog post ever! After discovering a good book/recipe/yoga class, I'm excited to pass on the info to others, so I figured a blog was a good way to go about it... Plus we just had an amazing weekend with friend and yoga teacher Kimberly Wilson and beau Tim. Kimberly always leaves me feeling inspired, as she is one of the few people I know that accomplishes so much (studio owner/writer/designer/activist/podcaster) and yet she remains calm and happy (we even had time to get a reflexology foot massage while she was here!). So I am taking her advice and starting my first blog, with the intention to write notes, ideas and thoughts about life as a modern yogini in Montreal...

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