The holiday craze is completely underway and if you’re like me, the first thing to get pushed aside is my well-being. We had our Luna staff party the other night and as I rushed into the bathroom to get ready, I looked in the mirror, and thought, “Who are you?” It had been awhile since i looked at myself other than the quick acceptable/presentable check-in. With little time to do any fixes, I remembered a quick trick my mother used to do, which got me thinking that maybe we all need a few quick tricks our mothers all gave us and we have since forgotten.
De-Puff Your Peepers!
Grab a metal spoon place it in the freezer, finish getting dressed, let the spoon get cold and then take it and hold it on each eye for a few seconds. You can save time and freeze two spoons for each eye!
Bare Those Limbs
Holiday outfits often show skin we’ve already wrapped up for the winter. A common tip for getting your skin glowing is to mix a little coconut oil and some leftover coffee grains, or fresh ones will do too. The coconut oil moisturizes you skin and coffee stimulates and exfoliates. Clean up the mess later.
Uplift Your Face
My favourite step when getting ready is to massage my face. I prefer using face oils and serums (especially from Audre!) but you can dampen skin in the way you’re most comfortable and press your fingers between brows and slide up your forehead, circling around your face out past your cheeks and to your ears, massaging across your jawline and finish with your neck. Love your face. It’s the only one you got.
Take a Bath
I believe we all become more beautiful after a bath and what better way to start your evening than with a luxurious meditative soaking experience (with an Audre Botanical Bathing Bomb!) Time to reflect, relax and reboot.
Yogis are well aware of the powers of breath, and I have a ritual before I leave the house: I dab a little floral mist or essential oil on my pulse points. There is no denying how scents can uplift any mood, and before we trudge out the door to face whatever lies on the other side, why not begin with a deep breath in of something wonderful!