Explore Your Pelvic Floor Workshop : Everyone Needs a Vagina Coach
Saturday, May 13th, 2023, 2:00 -4:00pm
Celebrate your pelvic floor this Mother’s Day weekend!
This workshop is a great place to explore, empower and educate women of all ages about your pelvic health and learn how to maintain a strong pelvic floor for healthy living. Pelvic Floor Physical therapy is crucial care for every woman. “Kegels” otherwise known as “pelvic floor contractions” do work when done correctly, consistently, and coordinated with movement. This workshop will explain the female anatomy & pelvic floor and its function, followed by describing the role of a pelvic floor physiotherapist. It will cover some basic functions/dysfunctions and the important role with respect to physical activity.
This workshop will inspire you to optimize your pelvic health at any life stage!
Elisa Donato, BSc PT — Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist
Elisa Donato graduated as a physiotherapist from McGill University in 2009. She began working in private clinics in Orthopedics and in her area of specialty, pelvic floor rehabilitation. Elisa developed a particular interest for pelvic health and focused her career on working with clients of all ages with various pelvic floor dysfunctions. She was drawn to this physical therapy specialty because pelvic health is an area of significant need which was, and still is today, largely neglected in the medical field. Over the past 14 years, Elisa has been keen on promoting awareness and education on pelvic health within the community and the health care system. She has given numerous conferences on this matter and developed Pelvic Health Programs in various physiotherapy clinics. Elisa continues to be an advocate for pelvic health and has her own private practice, PelviCore Physio. She is also currently working alongside the Meraki Health Centre team. She works with various clienteles to evaluate and treat children and adults with pelvic floor related conditions. She is particularly interested in interdisciplinary work within the Meraki Gender Variance Program to address all physiotherapy related needs.
Elisa is a mother to three beautiful girls and enjoys spending quality time with her family. She loves traveling, playing piano, cooking and keeping fit.