• Luna Yoga (map)
  • 231 Rue Saint-Paul Ouest
  • Montréal, QC, H2Y 2A2
  • Canada

with Marisol Loreto

June 12th, 2022, 2:00PM-4:00PM

“Our goal in life is not to become perfect: our goal is to become whole.”

― Bernie Clark, The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga

Whether you are new to Yin yoga or building on foundational knowledge, this workshop will provide you with valuable information on this quietly passive, yet deeply challenging practice.

As we dive into the history, philosophy, principles and many benefits of Yin yoga, we will explore longer held poses, anywhere between 2 to 5 minutes, designed to target the deepest tissues of the body: our ligaments, joints, bones and the deep fascia networks,helping increase mobility and flexibility.

This 2 hour workshop aims to complement your more active yoga practices, develop your ability to explore sensation as you settle through discomfort, release physical and mental tension and ultimately provide endless opportunities for growth in both the body and mind.

$35 ($30 by June 6th)