Yoga for a Cause : Jane Goodall Institute of Canada
Nidra + Flo with Angela Boismenu and live DJ Matt Aguba
Saturday, February 29th, 2020, 2:00 - 3:30pm
Rejuvenate body & soul with this unique and dynamic practice. Nidra Flo is perfectly balanced mix of active and authentic asana paired with relaxing and restorative Yoga Nidra.
The first 45 minutes of class are dedicated to warming up, releasing tensions, and stretching out any tightness in the body.
The asana (physical practice) is then followed by 45 minutes of Yoga Nidra guided meditation (an ancient practice known as yogic sleep or sleep with awareness), where students are into full-body relaxation and a deep meditative state of consciousness.
This practice is tailor made to help you leave the mat feeling calm, connected and restored!
$5 per yogi who attends this class will go to the Jane Goodall Institute of Canada.
*All memberships and class packages apply*
The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada is part of a global community conservation organization that advances the vision and work of Dr. Jane Goodall. In 1900, an estimated 1 to 2 million chimpanzees lived in the wild. Today, there are less than 350,000. We’re on a mission to save chimpanzees from extinction. Together, we can turn these numbers around.