After much thought, encouragement, and a little bit of pushing... we've finally decided to offer a Luna Yoga Teacher Training! Although I was a little reluctant at first, now that we're in the full swing of planning, I'm super excited!

At first 200 hours seemed like so much time to fill, but after having met with all the participating teachers and hearing their thoughts & proposals, it's a challenge to fit in all the amazing ideas. We've got such a good group together, and everyone is super enthusiastic about their topics. I feel super lucky to be working with such a great team, and am excited about the material we've put together.

We just posted up the training info on our web site last week and already we have 3 registrations! The response has been amazing! We've decided to cap it at 20 people max... if you're interested let us know asap.

Starts May 20th, 2011
Info & registration:
