
Apple Enlightenment

I love autumn. One of my favorite parts is the yearly apple party my friend Anick hosts at her organic apple orchard. A group of women get together, peel and cut apples, make applesauce, apple crumble, and this year, apple muffins! The atmosphere is so wholesome and grounding I always walk away feeling enlightened.
Levi's first apple party
making applesauce
yummy apple/carrot muffins
Le Verger de Hudson
839 Main, Hudson Quebec



Mom & Baby Yoga

Levi and I have been taking Mom and Baby Yoga. The first half of the class is geared more towards mom - a soft flow incorporating baby tickles. The second half is more for baby - massaging, bicycling legs, etc.
Half the class is often breastfeeding, crying, laughing, sleeping... It's hilarious and amazing at the same time. This week I ended up doing boat pose while breastfeeding - didn't want to miss out on the ab strengtheners.
Levi's favorite part: watching mom hold plank pose and foot massage.
I highly recommend it!



Compost Bins & Rain Savers for the City Yard

I emptied out my compost bin a couple of weeks ago and was happy to discover tons of fresh, nutrient rich compost! You can pick up a bin at your local Eco Quartier or hardware store (they come in lots of different shapes and sizes)
 my garden work-station with FULL compost bin
enough compost to fill all my pots & garden
we keep all our food scraps in this stainless steel pail before emptying it into the bin
super excited about our new rain barrel!

Tap Water is a Luxury!
We use tap water for many purposes that do not require treated
drinking water. Less than 1% of household tap water
is used for human consumption.

It is a mistake to believe that wasting water does not cost us anything.
Tap water has been purified and will be cleaned before
being released in the St. Lawrence River. These treatments are not
free. It costs $800 000 a day to treat and distribute water
on the Island of Montreal.

Saving tap water, even in small quantities, decreases the costs
of water treatment. Every drop counts!

In many municipalities, it is forbidden to water the lawn with city
water between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. or if it is raining.
Check your local by-laws.

Thanks for making smart use of our water !



Shop & Give with TOMS shoes

My Mom and I went shopping last weekend and each picked up a pair of TOMS shoes. They're an amazing company. For every pair of TOMS shoes sold, they give a pair of shoes to a child in need. They're available online or around town in many of the shoe shops.
matching shoes with Mom
One for One
In 2006, American traveler Blake Mycoskie befriended children in Argentina and found they had no shoes to protect their feet. Wanting to help, he created TOMS, a company that would match every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of new shoes given to a child in need. One for One. Blake returned to Argentina with a group of family, friends and staff later that year with 10,000 pairs of shoes made possible by TOMS customers.



Viva Vegan

Last weekend we discovered Boutique Viva Vegan on St Laurent. It's an adorable little shop with all kinds of vegan delights: dried goods, snacks, sandwiches, cosmetics, books, DVD's, jewelery, clothes, frozen goods, etc.
4148 St Laurent, Montreal, Qc
yummy vegan treats
they even have vegan chocolate chips (not so easy to find)
was inspired to try out a new vegan banana bread recipe... YUM!
(I substituted the walnuts for chocolate chips since I have a bit of a sweet tooth)



Mother Nature

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's out there, and to Mother Nature herself. Since my Mom and I are both nature lovers we spent the afternoon walking in the woods on Rigaud mountain. 
My Mom and I at Lac des Castors in Rigaud
First sighting of wildflowers
My Mom identifying wildflowers 
(she was almost as excited as our nephew on his easter egg hunt)
So pretty!
Nature + Loved-Ones = Perfection



Conscious Cycling

Got my bike fixed up last week, and am happy to say I biked to work all week long! Rain or no rain, all it takes is a little perseverance and a pretty heavy outfit.

An increase in levels of bicycle use in Canadian cities would entail a number of benefits:
  • Environmental benefits, through reduced emissions of toxic pollutant and greenhouse gases;
  • Health benefits related to higher levels of physical activity, including improved cardiovascular health and lower risk of obesity;
  • Health benefits related to the reduction of airborne pollutants, including lower incidence of respiratory diseases;
  • Economic benefits, such as reduced household expenditures on transportation, reduced work hours lost in traffic jams, and reduced healthcare costs thanks to the effects of regular exercise and reduced pollution.
Transport Canada



Luna Yoga Teacher Training

After much thought, encouragement, and a little bit of pushing... we've finally decided to offer a Luna Yoga Teacher Training! Although I was a little reluctant at first, now that we're in the full swing of planning, I'm super excited!

At first 200 hours seemed like so much time to fill, but after having met with all the participating teachers and hearing their thoughts & proposals, it's a challenge to fit in all the amazing ideas. We've got such a good group together, and everyone is super enthusiastic about their topics. I feel super lucky to be working with such a great team, and am excited about the material we've put together.

We just posted up the training info on our web site last week and already we have 3 registrations! The response has been amazing! We've decided to cap it at 20 people max... if you're interested let us know asap.

Starts May 20th, 2011
Info & registration:


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Detox Flo Yoga Workshop Playlist

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Yoga Teacher Trainings...

People often ask me when I am going to give a teacher training... Although we don't have anything set in stone yet, we are starting to think about it, and hoping to plan one for 2011. In the meantime, here's my advice on choosing a teacher training...

Before you commit to one training, it's definitely a good idea to check out your options. I recommend going and taking classes with the teacher who will be giving the training, and chatting with them after class to get a feel for the focus of the training, and to see if you connect with them (if you don't like the teacher, it's going to be a long and painful training). Make sure you check out several different teachers/styles before settling.

Before you get to the training part, make sure you have a committed practice, build it up to 3-5 times a week. Most trainings require at least one year of regular practice. Also, attend workshops/retreats, these are a great way to deepen your practice before jumping into a full on training.

A big question to ask yourself is "Am I taking this training to deepen my own practice?" or "Am I taking this training to learn how to teach?". Some trainings are geared more on the philosophy and practice, and some are more focused on teaching how to teach. It depends what you are looking for. If you're looking to deepen your own practice, you might want to focus on workshops/retreats and reading books/scriptures at your own pace...

To help us with the planning of our training, let us know what you'd like to learn more about.

Here's a list of some of the trainings in Montreal:

Outside Montreal:

Keep in mind there are hundreds of trainings, these are just a few I have heard about. Please feel free to add others to the list. I (obviously) have not done all these trainings (except for the Jivamukti one, which I loved), so I can't say which ones I would or wouldn't recommend, but at least this gives everyone a place to start...


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Yoga Teacher... Accountant

Over the years I've come to realize that to have a successful yoga studio, you need to have more than good yoga teachers, you also need to have some entrepreneurial skills. So with that in mind I've been working on honing some of my business skills. Today I did an 8 hour class in "Simply Accounting". If it really was 'simple' I don't think they'd need a whole days course on how to use the program.

I got up early, packed a lunch, drove (with the rest of the 9-5ers) out to Cote de Liesse, sat in a conference room in the basement of the Holiday Inn, used all my might to stay focused on the large screen and accounting jargon, while sipping tea and trying to stay warm. Although the room was dry, dark, and somewhat smokey, Alan Cohen (the teacher) was warm and funny. He was super concise and patient. I learnt that I do actually know more about accounting than I thought I did, and that I need to do some serious reorganizing in our data entry... sigh.

Doing the 'drive at 5' on my way home, I sat in traffic with the masses, (realizing how lucky I am to be able to bike or walk to work) thinking I love getting out of my comfort zone, it gives me a glimpse into the lives of others, and also allows me to appreciate some of my routines. There's always that balance of trying new things challenging ourselves, and at the same time enjoying simplicity.

Back to the studio tomorrow, with a hint more of accounting in my back pocket...

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Jivamukti with Dechen Thurman

Exhausted and inspired from a weekend of Jivamukti with Dechen Thurman. Since there aren't very many Jivamukti teachers in Montreal, I don't often get to take a Jivamukti class. It was so nice to practice my favorite style and to get to know a new teacher.

Dechen is filled with knowledge and insight, so it was great to have him at the studio. We hadn't met before last weekend, until he showed up at our doorstep at 7am on Saturday morning! It was a whirlwind of a weekend. We made sure to take him to 2 our favorite restaurants (Olive & Gourmando, and Aux Vivres), walked around the Old Port, drove past the mountain (busy yogis), made some of our favorite recipes (Jae Steele's Spaghetti Squash with tomato sauce, Love Soup & Cowgrrrl Cookies) and he even squeezed in Saturday mornings class with Bram.

The workshops were both amazing; fun music, new sequences, crazy adjustments, mantras, meditation, insights, and some hilarious shorts that left everyone giggling.

It's always a bit of craziness when we have a guest teacher, but soooooo worth it! I'm very grateful to Dechen for taking the time out of his busy schedule, and making the effort to come to Luna to share his teachings.

"All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives."
Dalai Lama



Hitting Refresh

My parents used to take us to Maine almost every summer. I have fond memories of Kennebunkport and Goose Rocks Beach. I hadn't been back in years, and always wanted to take Jason there, so for my Dad's 70th birthday we all rented a cottage and headed down for the long weekend.

Besides some more shops and a bit of development, it hadn't changed too much. The beach was still gorgeous, and the town adorable (the toy store even carried much of the same inventory). We spent our time taking long beach walks, picnicking, swimming, playing scrabble, and eating out. We even found an amazing restaurant with plenty of veggie and organic options; Bandaloop (reservations needed... this place is popular!).

Every morning I practiced yoga on our back patio facing a marshy, bird sanctuary. As I watched the tide go out, the focus of my practice shifted to the deep connection of all things, and to the awe of nature. The postures suddenly became less important, and instead I felt like I was soaking up all the incredible energy around me.

The ocean, the sea air, the stars, everything shared a feeling of peace.

Going away is like a really good yoga class, or like hitting the 'refresh' button. It always leaves me feeling more calm and, for lack of a better word... refreshed.

If you haven't taken the time for a vacation lately, take some time off, even if it's just one day. Go for a walk in the woods, get a massage, or read a good book. Life is short, enjoy it.



Lululemon Ambassador Summit + Yoga Retreat

Last week was an inspiring, busy, and relaxing week. The first 4 days were spent in Vancouver at the Lululemon Ambassador Summit. When Lulu first invited us to the Summit, I was slightly skeptical. I had just had eye laser surgery, and was sitting in the dark with all the blinds down and sunglasses on when Bram called to tell me Lulu wanted to treat us to 4 days in Vancouver. I wasn't really sure why they wanted to send us out there, or what it was all about, but my answer was "yes" of course!

Our days were fully packed with goal-setting & social media workshops, networking and design feedback. It was such a unique event, as it brought together yoga teachers, athletes, and studio owners from all over North America (and a couple from Australia too). It created this platform for us to share ideas, goals, and problems. Running your own business can often get lonely, so to be able to talk to other studio owners, and relate to their challenges, give advice and get advice, is really special. Just knowing that other people are going through the same struggles is comforting. The summit allowed us to share freely, and to learn from each other. I'm so happy to have met some amazing people, and am extremely grateful to Lululemon for organizing it all. My initial skepticism was way off, the only thing they wanted in return, was for us to keep spreading joy, and encourage others to live their best lives and create a better world.

Thursday evening I came home, unpacked, did laundry, slept, woke up, repacked, and was off to Spa Eastman for our annual Weekend Yoga Retreat. Although I was slightly jet-lagged, as soon as we pulled into the driveway of the spa, I felt a wave of relaxation wash over me. The next couple of days were spent teaching, relaxing by the pool, and getting to know some more amazing people.

Although last week was extremely busy, I feel blessed, and super lucky. Going away also always makes me really appreciate my home life, my family, the studio, and my own bed. As my schedule starts to calm down, Jason's is in full swing, with interviews, rehearsals, and preparations for his album launch this coming Friday! Check them out at (the new album will be available at the shows, the digital release will be on iTunes soon).

Sending love, and life filled with happiness.


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Yoga with Baron Baptiste

A couple of weeks ago I did a workshop with Baron Baptiste. I had seen the ad about 2 months ago, and decided I wanted to do it. I didn't know much about Baron, only that his parents are both yoga teachers, he teaches a style of power yoga, and is known for his yoga bootcamps. I tried to register well over a month in advance, only to find out the workshop was already sold out. I was put on the waiting list (and later found out there was a waiting list for the waiting list), so I was pretty doubtful that I would get in.

When I got the phone call in the afternoon, letting me know a spot had freed up for the workshop that night with Baron, it was at the height of a heat wave. I immediately said yes, hung up the phone, and began to wonder if I made the right choice. The workshop was being held at Moksha Yoga; a 'hot' yoga studio where they heat the room between 38C and 41C (100-105F). The temperature outside was probably similar, so while everyone else was going home to take cold showers and turn on their fans and a/c's, I was heading to an intense 3 hour workshop in a heated room... my mom was very skeptical.

Within the first half hour I was already sweating, and we haden't even done anything, we were just sitting listening to Baron talk about his background and his take on yoga. I had know idea he had studied with Pattabhi Jois, Iyengar and Bikram (3 well known teachers). He talked a lot about meeting your edge, and pushing through it; physically, mentally, and emotionally. He emphasized that we are stronger than we think. I definitely related to what he said, and was ready for the challenge.

The practice started with the abs. Baron guided us through one of the most intense ab workouts I've ever done. I wasn't sure I was going to make it. We continued though sun salutations (holding downward dog for what felt like 20 breaths), standing postures, balancing, seated postures, backbends (I think we must have done 8 full wheels), and relaxation. With seventy people packed into the heated room, doing an intense yoga practice, it was not just sweaty, it was a slip and slide! The energy was amazing. Even though we only had an inch between mats, everyone was super considerate. I love packed classes, it always gives this "we're in this together" feeling.

I'm not sure what my expectations were for this workshops, but I really enjoyed Baron's teachings, and felt that he has a genuine, kind heart. I think when it comes to workshops, teachers, and life in general, it's good to have an open mind, and to go out of your way to try new things and challenge yourself. We are so often pleasantly surprised...

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Yoga in Banff

I'm just back from an amazing trip to Golden, B.C., where I visited my sister, her boyfriend, and my brand new nephew Devon! He's so adorable, words can't even begin to describe him.

While planning my trip out west, Kaeleigh (a student/friend/receptionist at Luna) hooked me up with Mindy from Rocky Mountain Yoga in Banff, and together organized a workshop.

The Banff yoga community was so welcoming and enthusiastic, it was amazing! I never know how people are going to react to Jivamukti Yoga, especially if they're coming from a softer or quieter practice, but everyone was super receptive and eager to learn more (for most people it was their first Jivamukti experience).

I love teaching in new places, meeting new people, and sharing yoga experiences. I feel very lucky to be doing something I love, and getting to travel too! Thanks to Kaeleigh, Mindy, and everyone who came out for the workshop.
Pic 1: Suzanne, Chris & Devon
Pic 2: Workshop at Rocky Mountain Yoga
Pic 3: Me & Mindy
Pic 4: Yoga Master Devon (in baby cobra)

P.S. If you ever visit Golden, BC, check out Chris's restaurants "The Kicking Horse Grill" and "The Fire Pit Smokehouse"... super yummy (there's even veggie options!)



Montreal's Markets

I'm loving Jae Steele's new cookbook Ripe from around here! I've tested out some recipes and am I'm halfway through reading the first part of the book about local and sustainable eating. Although I often do find local and organic veggies at IGA, I also love to pick up fresh ingredients from the market. Here's a list of some of Montreal's hot-spots for fresh finds:

Jean Talon Market: Behind the shops on Jean Talon and Henri-Julien. One of the biggest markets in Montreal, with lots of fruit and veggies (yummy salted tomato slices to taste test), flowers/plants (more-so in spring/early summer), and some indoor stalls (look out for bhajis with tamarind chutney - delicious - and also usually have taste testers).

Atwater Market: On Atwater, near the canal. Lots of fruits and veggies, flowers/plants (one of my Mom's friends even comes from the country to buy some of her more exotic plants here), also has indoor stores, plus a Premiere Moisson.

Amherst Market: (I couldn't find the link for this one) On Amherst & Ontario. I was just there last weekend and they're in the midst of renovations (I was told they are expanding the inside) but should be fully open by the end of June. Outside, they usually have lots of fruits and veggies, and inside an assortment of organic canned and dried goods, plus cheese, olives, etc. There's also a large garden plant section in the spring/early summer (now open). Across the street, they are currently located in a small shop on Amherst, just below De Maisonneuve (I'm assuming these are the same people, and will relocate into the new renovated space when it's ready).

Marche Duluth: In 2 different locations (5039 St Dominique on Thursday evenings, and 4265 Laval on Sundays). I've never been to these markets, (Bram found them online) but their web site says everything is local, ecological and seasonal.

A couple other spots to mention are: Rachelle-Bery (there's 3 in Montreal) A healthfood store selling organic and natural products (veggies, dried goods, toiletries), and La Maison Verte in NDG, a store and cafe, with tons of eco-friendly, and local products/produce, and lots of green events.

I have a sneaking suspicion that there are many more hidden treasures... if you know of any, please share!


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Happiness is Healthiness

A couple of years ago I read a review about a vegan cookbook called Get It Ripe. I told Jason about it, and soon after he gave it to me for our 12 year anniversary (I know, it's been a while!). I fell in love with it right away; it's written by a local woman (Jae Steele), it's vegan (with lots of gluten, sugar, and dairy substitutes), and most of all Jae feels like someone I can really relate to, she is passionate about her work, and she seems to be doing a lot of it herself.

The first 100 pages of the cookbook talks about everything from vitamins and nutrients, to eating locally and organically. Usually I skip the intros to cookbooks and go straight to the recipes, but I thoroughly read and enjoyed this one.

The recipes are super tasty. I've cooked with them for many friends and family members, vegetarians and meat-eaters both love them! I've never had so many requests for recipes before. I liked it so much I started selling the books at our studio, and giving them as gifts. My Mom has been using it to cook for my Dad and Grandmother (who are both very traditional, old-school foodies). At first she tried to sneak in the tofu, telling my Grandmother it was chicken, but she knew something was up. Oma's favorite meal used to be meat & potatoes, now it's portobello mushroom burgers!

Even the baked goods are amazing, and that says a lot. Vegan desserts have a reputation for being dry, crumbly, and tasteless. Jae's Cowgrrrl Cookies are my nephews favorite, and some friends called us last week to say their son, who had been sick, was smiling after eating the Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins Jason had brought over.

After cooking many delicious meals from her book, I looked up Jae's contact info, and sent her an email inviting her to the studio... after some time, she accepted, and is now coming to give a workshop Happiness is Healthiness and promote her new book Ripe from Around Here next week!

Although we are friends on facebook, I've never met Jae Steele. I love to cook, I love good food, and I definitely think healthiness plays a huge role in our happiness, so I'm super excited to meet Jae, take her workshop, and get a copy of her new cookbook! Hope you can join us.

Here are some of our favorite recipes from Get It Ripe:
Sesame Miso Dressing, Perfect Peanut Sauce, Simple Dal, Coconut Cauliflower Chana, Barbecue-Baked Tofu with Mushrooms and Bell Peppers, The Good Shepherd's Pie, Double-Whammy Ginger Cookies

Happiness is Healthiness
hursday June 3, 7:30-9:30pm @ Centre Luna Yoga
$45 (includes a copy of Jae's new cookbook Ripe from around Here)
info & registration

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Honoring our Mothers

A Mothers love and kindness does not always get the full appreciation it deserves. It may come as a surprise to some of you, but I was not always the most grateful, loving daughter... my parents had to suffer through my dark and gloomy teenage years. But as I grew older and wiser, I once again saw the light.

My Mom is one of the kindest, most generous, loving and optimistic people I know. I am so lucky and blessed to have her as a Mother.

Mother's Day is a day to honor all the Mothers in our lives; our birth Mothers, spiritual Mothers, and of course the Mother of all, Mother Earth.

To celebrate Mother's Day, we'll be bringing lunch out to my parents house (Beautiful Borscht Soup & Apple Crumble from my favorite cookbook Get It Ripe) and then tea and cookies with Jason's family (Cowgrrrl Cookies, my nephews favorite). I spent the afternoon baking and cooking, so everything is made and ready to go, now the true test is for us not to eat it (3 cookies have already gone missing)!

Sending love and admiration to all the amazing Mothers out there!
P.S. The photo was taken on our first Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica (my Mom was the first person to sign up)
