International Women’s day gives us a chance to shine a light on some of our amazing women here at Luna Yoga. A devoted and mindful scholar, traveler and teacher:
Léa Perret


Something about yourself that you believe has made you into the person you are today 

Growing up in different countries makes me keep an open mind by always trying to see things from other people's point of views and not judge them for what they do, think, or believe.

Things you tell yourself in moments of self-doubt 

Other people have done it, I can do it.

Words of advice for other women  

Don't let other people change the way you are and the way you want to treat others especially when they push your buttons!

Lea Headshot.jpg

Lea is a PhD student in Mental Health Research at McGill University. She discovered yoga in Thailand during her undergraduate studies and first enjoyed it as a form of physical exercise to build strength and flexibility to further her running skills. She soon discovered the benefits of cultivating mindfulness “on and off the mat” through meditation and her yoga practice. In 2016, after practicing yoga for 8 years she completed her Yoga Teacher Training at Luna Yoga. She enjoys teaching yoga flow both in studio and in community settings. She has also taught various age groups while always taking a similar teaching approach using openness, a lighthearted mood, and mindfulness.
