One of the questions that came up in our our last Advanced TT Info Session was "Why did you decide to start offering an Advanced Teacher Training?" I started by responding that it was the same reasons we created our 250 hour training; we saw an interest in going deeper into yoga, to know more about the philosophy, anatomy, meditation, etc., more than we could fit into a regular class on the schedule. Our workshops were very popular, but people wanted to go deeper, and we have a staff full of knowledge in many different aspects of yoga. Our teachers have grown and benefitted from the knowledge they have acquired, and they are eager to pass it on, to help others, so we created our first teacher training. The 250 hour Teacher Training has been a huge success. We are now getting ready to start our 8th year! Many of our teachers have gone on to teach at festivals, studios, businesses, some have even created their own festivals!

Now we see a desire to go deeper still. To learn more about anatomy, to go deeper into the philosophy, and refine their teaching skills. We also often hear that yoga teachers feel isolated; that they are teaching in many different studios, gyms and spaces and they are lacking a community of people to bounce ideas off of, to discuss the business behind yoga and to connect with other yoga teachers in the same situation. 

After graduation we always let the graduates know that we are here for them. Many of them do come to us with questions and concerns, and some of them have even formed their own little yoga teacher groups. For the ones that go on to teach at Luna, we provide them with regular feedback on their classes, and help them refine their sequences. They have benefitted the most, and have been able to grow really quickly as a result. We decided to take all those questions, and all the advice & feedback we've given over the years, add some deeper study into philosophy/chants/advanced postures and create the Advanced Teacher Training. We also invited some guest teachers to the faculty and have gathered an incredibly knowledgeable, authentic group of teachers, all with their individual expertise and experiences. We're very excited to share this with the Montreal Yoga community and to keep growing and learning with you all!

- Jenn*

For the full description and details on our Advanced Teacher Training visit:
