Yoga for a Cause: In Solidarity with Afghanistan with Léa Perret & Carolina Barajas
Friday, August 27th, 2021, 12:00 - 1:00pm
With the recent heart-breaking news about the situation in Afghanistan, Carolina and Lea wanted to organize a donation-based class and support an organisation helping Afghans in need. This Yoga for a Cause class will be an opportunity to practice together and connect to a community in need. Your presence and participation will be a way to give back; for every yogi that attends in-person or online, Luna Yoga will donate $5 to the UNHRC - the UN Refugee Agency, an organisation that supports refugees of Afghanistan. You can also choose to make an individual donation. Join Carolina and Lea for an unconventional active flow - Carolina will teach half and Lea the other half - on Friday 27th August at 12pm ! Mark your calendars!