• Luna Yoga (map)
  • 231 Rue Saint-Paul Ouest
  • Montréal, QC, H2Y 2A2
  • Canada

Yoga, Meditation & Philosophy Master Class with Bram Levinson
Saturday, March 23rd, 2019, 2:00-4:30pm

In our modern-day culture it can be a challenge to awaken to the workings of our thoughts and how those cognitive patterns contribute to the quality of our lives. Join Bram for a special master class devoted to the wisdom of Yoga, Meditation, Hindu philosophy and psychology, each of which are practices that offer clear direction on how to co-create an awakened life.

We created a master class series of workshops for you to delve deeper into the practices of yoga, have more time to integrate and digest the teachings and give you a glimpse into how these aspects relate to other areas of your life.

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Bram Levinson is an author (www.theexaminedlifebook.comwww.ayearinthelight.com), yoga & meditation teacher, blogger and mentor. Based in Montreal, he offers alternative approaches to physical, mental and emotional well-being, promoting healing and spiritual understanding of who we are, why we are here and what this life journey is really all about through group and private classes as well as mentoring sessions, workshops and yoga vacations. He has been on the faculties of multiple conferences, festivals and teacher trainings, and travels throughout the year to bring his teachings to students and teachers around the world.

$50 + tax ($45 + tax by March 16th)