VIRTUAL INFO SESSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8th, 2021, 7:15 - 7:45pm (zoom)
NOTE: All Weekends offered online and in-studio
*depending regulations and guidelines in effect at that time
This 10-month, 250-hour teacher training in the Luna Yoga Flo (or vinyasa-based) style incorporates a practical approach to yoga philosophy, history and mythology, with a strong emphasis on applying the teachings to a modern-day setting. In addition to exploring numerous yoga postures and their variations, trainees will be immersed in the intricacies of pranayama, the bandhas, and meditation. The techniques and practices learned will be brought together when exploring how to demonstrate postures, sequence classes logically and fluidly, and adjust conscientiously. Complemented by extensive anatomy training and a look at the ethics associated with the responsibility of teaching, the participants will leave the training with a deeper understanding of the yoga practices and teachings and feeling empowered and ready to teach with confidence.
Topics covered:
Fundamentals of teaching
(voice, demonstrating, sequencing, assisting, adjusting, etc)Group practicum
Philosophy, history, and mythology
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
Sanskrit & chanting
Asana analysis & alignment
Pranayama, bandhas
Anatomy & physiology
Kriyas and Chakras
Our teacher training faculty is comprised of a passionate and compassionate community of instructors who guide and support you throughout the entire programme and beyond. We provide in the moment feedback to help support your development and build your confidence in taking the seat of the teacher. Upon completion of the training you have the opportunity to teach the Friday night Intro to Yoga donation classes for which you will also receive guidance and feedback. Whether your goal is to become a teacher or simply to explore the yoga practices more deeply, this 10-month programme provides the practical tools and foundation for graduates to move into the next phases of their lives and careers with passion, inspiration and direction.
APRIL 2021 - february 2022 ProgramME
April 30 - May 2, 2021: The Origins of Yoga
Delve deeper into the origins of Yoga; what is it, and what are the main texts of reference? This first weekend of training we will look at the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and Patanjali's yoga sutras.
click for more info
June 4 - 6, 2021: Anatomy
Learn about the main muscle groups, which ones are activated or stretched in the basic postures, considerations to keep in mind for typical injures, and more!
click for more info
Learn the basic alignment, assists and variations for sun salutations A and B, as well as for the basic yoga postures.
click for more info
August 6 - 8, 2021: Philosophy
Study the philosophy of yoga by examining the following texts/subjects:
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
the Bhagavad Gita
Hindu Mythology
click for more info
September 17 - 19, 2021: Asana II
Learn the basic alignment, assists and variations for more advanced postures.
October 15 - 17, 2021: Meditation
An in-depth review of the history of Buddhism and meditation in all its forms; we will examine how feelings, emotions and intentions can come into play and learn what are the 4 Brahmavirahas et the 4 Noble Truths. Finally, we will learn tools to help bring these practices into our every day lives.
November 12 - 14, 2021: Principles of Teaching
We will review together the principles of teaching and the following aspects:
class structures/sequencing
creating a playlist
3 types of students/teachers
practice teaching
December 3 - 5, 2021: Energetic Anatomy
We will explore the energetic anatomy, including:
the bandhas
the vayus
the nadis
the chakras and their associated karmic relationships and learn about the different layers of the subtle body, the koshas, as well as the practices to purify them
January 7 - 9, 2022: Satsang to Sanskrit: Taking your Practice and Teaching Deeper
A weekend of communing and taking our practice deeper through chanting, practices of purification (kriyas), investigating karma and learning Sanskrit.
click for more info
February 4 - 6, 2022: Business of Yoga
Learn about the various business aspects of teaching yoga:
Private classes
Corporate classes
Social Media
Running a business
Fridays - 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Saturdays - 1:00 - 7:00 pm
Sundays - 1:00 - 7:00 pm
Required reading:
Jivamukti Yoga by Sharon Gannon & David Life
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda
*Registration by April 30th, 2021.
*Attendance mandatory 2 classes per week.
*Requirements: Minimum 1 year consistent practice and a letter of intention by the first day of training.
Suggested reading:
The Myths of the Asanas by Alanna Kaivalya
Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff
Yoga Assists by Sharon Gannon & David Life
The Living Gita by Sri Swami Satchidananda
The Examined Life by Bram Levinson
A Year in the Light by Bram Levinson
Guest Teachers:
Patricia-Saraswati Letendre has been teaching since 2010, having done more than 1000 hours of training and eighteen years of personal practice. With an extensive knowledge of the human body a passion for therapeutic practices, Patricia strives to help students develop a more holistic understanding of yoga through creative movements, breath-work, and awareness. Having studied and taught various branches of yoga (Hatha, Hatha flow, Vinyasa, Yin, Therapeutic, and Restorative), Patricia hopes to be a guide for anyone interested in exploring the powerful healing effects of yoga on overall health and wellness.
Early-bird discount
$3000 + tax
Until February 28th, 2021
Regular Price
$3500 + tax
Full tuition due by April 30th, 2021
Register by December 31st, 2020 and get your required books included for free!
*Teacher Trainees are eligible for a 50% discount (valid for one use) off the Annual Membership ($540 discounted/$1080 regular price), as well as a 15% discount off all other services and products.
**A $500 deposit can be made to reserve your spot. Please note that this is non-refundable.
***Please note that full tuition is non-refundable as of May 2021.
Tax Deductible
Luna Yoga is a recognized Educational Institution by Revenue Quebec and Employment & Social Development Canada. Teacher Training students will receive an official tuition fee receipt for income federal and provincial tax purposes.
No refunds will be issued on teacher training payments. Attendance is mandatory for all weekends. Missed training weekends may be credited towards future Luna Yoga teacher trainings, but solely for those weekends that cover the missed subjects and classes.
For more information and/or to put yourself on the waiting list for our training, please contact us at
We are offering a partial scholarship for our teacher training from the funds raised by last year’s graduates through our Intro to Yoga classes. For details and requirements click here.
This application for the 2021/2022 LYTT scholarship is currently open. The submission deadline is February 14th, 2021.